My Gift for you



Principle   1:   Embrace Adversity
Principle   2:   Find Your Motivational “Bull’s-Eye”
Principle   3:   Joy Yourself
Principle   4:   Bitch, Moan, and Whine, but Get the Job Done
Principle   5:   Shoot for Progress, Not Perfection
Principle   6:   Don’t Let Stress Go To Your Head – Or Tummy
Principle   7:   Give Yourself a License to Chill
Principle   9:   Fight for Your Right to Self-Care
Principle 10:   Form Your Own “Estrogen Squad”

People with a Power Mind have learned to:

  • Handle stress in positive ways rather than resort in overeating, abusing alcohol, smoking, or other self-destructive behaviors;
  • Balance caring for themselves with caring for others;
  • Do the work it takes to achieve their goal of mind-body transformation;
  • Anticipate and work around life’s speed bumps that interfere with their self-care;
  • Get their self-care back on track when they get stuck.

One of my favorite maxims is “In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity.” I don’t see mistakes – I see opportunities to learn. Open your heart to the lessons. If you view challenging life events as opportunities to recommit to your self-care, rather than as overwhelming obstacles, you will overcome them. These Power Mind Principles will help you stay on track when life gets tough.

Develop Your Mission Statement

Every successful company has formulated a mission statement – a paragraph or two that states the company’s reason for being: why it exists, whom it serves, and what it hopes to achieve. A mission statement will help you determine the limits and boundaries of your time and energy, and how you should “spend” your efforts in life.

Here’s how to create your own.

Write down no more than 10 sentences that describe what you want to accomplish in your life and what is important to you, both personally and professionally. For example:

I, _______________________, aspire to be the best mother/father, spouse, and daughter/son I can be. I commit myself to providing love and support to my dear ones throughout my life. I am grateful for the gifts I was born with and will strive to use them to help myself as I help others. I also commit to honoring my intellectual, physical, and spiritual needs, following through on my daily obligations and providing my company with the best work I can do.

You can now take anyone’s request of your time, quickly compare it with your mission statement, and see if there’s a match. If there isn’t, say “I’m sorry. I can’t [insert request here]. It doesn’t work for me.”

Shoot for Progress, Not Perfection

Instead of saying “I aim for perfection,” say “I aim for progress.”

Instead of saying “I wasn’t perfect,” say “I did the best I could, given the constraints and restrictions in my life.”

Every time you feel the urge to say but, say and instead. Consider the difference:

“I removed 20 pounds and I’m more fit, but I have another 15 pounds to go and I still run too slow.”

“Yes, I removed 20 pounds and I’m more fit, and I’m progressing well with my self-care.”

You nip perfection in the bud and give yourself a powerful and loving affirmation. Way to go!

Live by The Rule of Reverse Expectations

Live by my special Rule of Reverse Expectations. Anticipate that there will be obstacles in your path. When you encounter them, embrace them as opportunities to learn to stay the course with your daily lifestyle habits.

Give Yourself a License to Chill

When you need tranquility now, do this simple technique.

  • Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won’t be distracted.
  • Sit with your back straight. Place your hands in a comfortable position.
  • If you wish, call on God or a higher power to help you.
  • Allow your eyes to rest comfortably downward, gazing softly but not focusing on anything.
  • Let your breathing become deep and rhythmic.
  • It’s okay to let your attention drift a bit, but stay relaxed. If your eyes become heavy, let them close.
  • Don’t worry about doing it right. You simply want to clear your head and relax.

Although you can do this exercise throughout the day whenever you feel the need, it works even better if you do it for at least 5 minutes or up to 20 minutes (even more), once or twice a day.

You might also try “walking meditation”. It’s just what it sounds like – combining a walk with quiet reflection. Don’t focus on a destination – with walking meditation, it’s the journey that counts. I call it “medicating with movement.” You use your own brain chemicals – endorphins and serotonin – to soothe yourself, boost your mood, and just plain feel better.

To try walking meditation, simply turn your full attention to the movements that make up the act of walking. Really break down this most basic of acts. For example, as you lift each foot, say to yourself “Lift”. As you move your leg forward say “Move.” Then say “Step” as you place your foot on the ground. The more you focus on the movements, the calmer you’ll feel.

Are your JOYING yourself?

Each time you’re confronted with a demand on your time, ask yourself this question:

“Will including this thing, event or person in my life ultimately bring me joy?”

If you answer “Absolutely!”: Chances are, you’re about to engage in an immediate joy – planting your garden, catching up with your best friend over coffee, taking the day off to chaperone your child’s field trip. Congratulations – you’ve discovered what brings you joy during your brief time on this planet.

If you answer “I don’t know”: Give that thing, event, or person a whirl. You may find that, say, herbal body wraps make you claustrophobic. Okay, no joy there. But how about discovering that your new book club is filled with interesting women who spark your brain? Scope one for joy! Don’t be afraid to experiment – get out there and play.

If you answer “No”: Then why would you allow this thing, event or person to be a part of your life? You might not be able to completely eliminate it from your life, but you can limit the amount of time you devote to it. Do that, and you’ll preserve the joy you already have and protect yourself from things that detract from it.